Just picked up a biocube 29


Reefing newb
I just got a biocube from a friend for 50 bucks.. great deal I thought, so anyways I would love to do a full blown reef in the biocube. I see a lot of people modifying their biocubes. For a successful reef in the tank should I change anything or run it stock minus the bio balls.
Take out the bioballs and put cheato in the back with strong flow and strong light. I got 'trates in my7 BC29 down to zero and I did not have a skimmer.

LR is my fav site but nano-reef.com is the best when it comes to mod'ing biocubes.
It's insane what some people have done with them. BTW, many people put rock, racks and other stuff in chamber 2. I disagree. Cheato and a small bag of charcoal are the only thing you need in there.
When I started with my 29g biocube I thought I was doing right just by keeping corals alive but when I upgraded the stock lighting I began to see the corals thrive. That is any aquarists hopes that their system thrives!