Yup, I always tell people realllly dumb it down for me. I understand not wanting to spend more money. The only issue I see with keeping that light is, with lower wattage lights; they aren't great at supporting corals, but they sure are great at supporting algae! I just don't want you to have to deal with that. But, you can see how it goes and if it becomes an issue, perhaps then you'll be ready to upgrade, or get more snails!
I don't know about mushrooms with only 56 watts, I really don't, I hope so but I'm really leaning towards no. You're at 1 watt per gallon and I haven't heard of anyone keeping mushrooms at less than 2 watts. I'd say, cycle the tank, entertain yourself with a fish and arranging the rocks and getting some snails, get used to testing your water and water changes and then maybe try an inexpensive mushroom and see how he does.
The Maiden's hair requires strong lighting I believe, so, I think that's a no go.
Isn't this site great, so many people helped me start up (and still help me) and just think, in 6 months you'll be a pro and you can help other people start out :)
I'm glad that I can help you in any way. Gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Usually I have to drink a beer to get that.