January POTM - Anything goes!

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My little invertebrate cheerleader would like to try out for the POTM.


Wow, Waddi and Brian those are truly beautiful pictures! How are we supposed to decide, so many good ones this month.
Also, Waddi, I loved that you looked around for Dennis, that made me laugh!
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Looks like im throwing them in the hat. I love them allll

;_; and i wish i could get better pics. Who wants to help fund me a camera? :3
Damn! That pom pom crab is stunning!

Thanks, I was lucky to get that pic - they tend to hide a lot, but it makes it that much more special when you do see them. I have the Blue Coral Banded Shrimp that is just as elusive, and just as exciting to spot.

wow, another stunning month! Im not sure I want to even try and enter!! But chromis for the win anyways!!

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