Jacks Streamers!

If you do, we are going to have a Living Reefs field trip to your house. I hope there will be BBQ! Nothing like a nice BBQ after swimming with the sharks :D
If you do, we are going to have a Living Reefs field trip to your house. I hope there will be BBQ! Nothing like a nice BBQ after swimming with the sharks :D

absolutley! shark swimming and bbq. We can all dream big right! hopefully one day...:Cheers:
I have bad news for you to pass along to Jack.

Today I went to my LFS for the first time since they moved locations. The whole car ride over there I was going on to NDB about how excited I was to see Jill and check in on her. I asked if she would remember me, and NDB said, "No, she's a fish", which made me mad at him. I hadn't seen Jill in a few months (since the store moved really far away from my house).

I didn't see Jill anywhere in the store, which worried me. So I asked Rob where Jill was. He said that she had jumped to her death right after he moved her to the new store. He found her one morning on the floor :cry:

I was really sad. She definitely was one of the best fish I've ever had. NDB hustled me out of the store pretty quickly, and told me there was nothing I could have done about it, Jill was obviously upset and scared to be in a new place, but it wasn't any body's fault, and I'm sure she loved me very much, etc...

So sad. The only other vlamingi they have in their store right now is 1/3 of Jill's size. I should have asked for her body back so I could have her cremated and put her little urn up with my dead cats in the living room.
Biff, im really sorry to hear this. that is really sad. And i have not told Jack yet. I did not want him to sleep poorly tonight. Its really weird because Vlamingis dont jump..... they are not known to jump. hell they are huge! wow something must have freaked her out. I know more than anyone here how personable an adult vlamingi can be. and It really sucks that you found that out today. Im sorry to hear that.
So sorry to hear such bad news. I can only imagine how it felt to find out this news when you were expecting to see her again and have a happy reunion.

I'm wondering why Rob didn't put a screen across the top for a few days until the fish got settled in their new home.

The only thing you must remember is you gave her the happiest times of her life.