Its official

Ryans figured out the secret to my mantis farm,HAHA(thats kinda catchy).All my rock is TBSW rock.I just cant help myself when we get a new order in at the LFS.
I've actually thought about doing a closed loop.But there is only so much room under a 125 stand.And its going to be full under there by the time I get the sump,refugium,and calcium reactor and related equipment under there.I'll have to look at those Polario pumps.Since this is going to be all SPS,I have got to have the wave action.And I want enough flow to actually make waves in the tank.
While were on the subject,here is my idea for a stand.
I'm thinking about using 3X5X1/4" alum.angle,welded together for the frame work,then skin it with rough cut oak.I like the rustic look,but I'm sure just how well alum. would stand up with all the salt water.
It aint to late to go 180 yet Reef.And we actually talked about that some at the store today.If I decide to go a head and brace up the floor,then I may go 180,depending on the price difference.
Im with Reef on this one.

Yote do you think that angle would be better than rectangular tubing? Say like 1 x 3? Im no metalurgist by any means but why risk aluminum in the first place. Go stainless.
Stainless angle cost about double what alum does down here.And hadnt thought about using tubing.I'll have to check on that.Wouldnt be any harder to weld.
Or I might even go a head and try building my own wood stand.Depends on how the OT goes and if I'll even feel like building the stand myself.