Is this too much cleaner crew???

With the fighting conches it would depend on the size of your sandbed. I've got a fighting conch from them in my 75 and it's huge, over 4" long. I wanted to add one of their hawking conches too but, I think the tank just isn't big enough.
Yes but, conches are strictly sand dwelling snails and get their food from the sand and rock/sand interface. If you don't have a big enough sand bed to support them then they'll starve.

My conch does laps back and forth across the tank all day long looking for food, I don't think my 75 could ever support more then one.
I hate those big reef cleaner packs, Ive had nothing but problems with hermits! So now, I only want snails, all my hermits are banished to my fuge.

Get more snails :D
Banished to the underworld?! Haha poor them!
I had hermits, but hardly ever see them, and when they see me they shoot back inside their shell and fall off rockwork.... yea they know who's boss!! :p Hahah
What's wrong with hermits?

Is this better?

30X: Assorted Hermit Crabs

5X: Scarlet Hermit Crab

Hawk Wing Conch

20X: Empty Hermit Shells

15X: Florida Cerith

20X: Turbograzer Snail

5X: Dwarf Cerith

10X: Nassarius Vibex

5X: Nerith Snail (Large)

5X: Nerith Snail (Small, Medium)
I would also dump a few of the turbos..put a few more ceriths and nass in..
maybe like 10 of the turbos or so and split them between the other two..
I think even 10 turbos are too many.
Personally, I think those reeflceaner packs are way, way over stocked. A lot of the animals will die off from starvation. I'd rather spend the money on improved filtration. 2 serpent stars, 10 nass snails for the sand, 10 ceriths, 10 small hermits, and a few turbos would be all I would do. (and probably more). A good urchin can replace a lot of snails - they're cooler looking, faster, and hardier, IMO. Also a shrimp will do the work of several hermits as well, as far as eating leftover food and dead stuff.

As far as algae control, again, I'd rather focus on reducing phosphate and NO before getting more CuC - they just are treating the symptoms.
once my tanks cycle I just throw a few crabs and snails in while I decide on what I want to put in the tanks.. i just throw a little food in every couple days and let the hermits pick it up..

Ugh, so many mixed opinions... :grumble:
Okay, how's this?

10X: Assorted Hermit Crabs

5X: Dwarf Planaxis

10X: Empty Hermit Shell

20X: Florida Cerith

5X: Dwarf Cerith

5X: Nerite Snail (Medium)

5X: Nerite Snail (Small, Medium)

5X: Scarlet Hermit Crab

5X: Turbogrzer Snail

5X: Zig Zag Periwinkles

I think I'll wait on the conch and the brittle star. Maybe I'll get a conch for my 110.

I'm debating on whether to get an urchin or not. They're really cool but I don't want it eating all of my coraline.
Yea that looks ok mate. Urchins are cool, but they really like to do their own rearranging and decorating of your tank. so make sure everything is secure!! :D