Is this the start of coraline?


Resident Photoshopper
im not shure if this is the start of cpraline coverage or some other type of algae. you decide

It is the Bright purplish/Red coler on the rocks right below snail
it starts off going that brown, then gets spots of white, fades to a greenish color then the red comes.

im going to say no... but i could be wrong. hard to tell from the pic. Do you have other rock that you have put in with noticable coraline spots on it for it to spread?
I'm also going to say no.
Do you already have live rock with coralline on it?
Check glass and pumps first,I always notice it on there first.
Doesn't look like coralline to me either. Looks more like diatoms than anything else. But it's weird that diatoms would be on the rocks...
it was my understanding that you need to have coraline in the tank in order for it to spread. it doesn't just appear, but I don't have time to research it at this moment
oh then its very possible. I know some on my pacefock looks a little faint right now and wouldn't look too much like it in a pic, but it is there so it probably is.. have you checked your calcium levels?
Last checked Sat they were 450 ppm
My LFS were out of test kits to sell me calcium and ALK

But they checked them with there store test kit all was spot on,
I cant really tell,but its either the start of coraline,or a spot of cyno.
See if the wipes off easy.That will tell the tale.