is this right???


Reefing newb
Ive got a 42 gallon cube that exactly 1 week ago I started with live rock and sand. Ive also been putting in Microbacter 7 (1.5 cap fulls a day), no lights, skimmer running, and no water changes yet.

I know how long the cycle should take but I checked my levels today just out of curiosity and found .5 ammonia and 0 nitrates/nitrites according to the tests. something tells me this isnt right? like I said that tanks only been set up for a week. I have lots of algae growth already, and 2 crabs that came out of the rock when I first put it in that look to be doing good.

So Im just wondering whats going on here with the levels Im getting... normal? not normal?
Nope, they look normal to me, your cycle is just starting. You'll notice that your ammonia will probably go up a little higher before it drops and your nitrites spike. You don't really need to add the microbacter, your LR and LS will run the whole cycle for you.
ive also been told by people to run the skimmer, and told not to by others. so ive decided to not run it for the time being. correct?