Is my tank size killing my tangs?


Reefing newb
I had a yellow tang for a month that suddenly died. I thought maybe I cooked it since the temp was a little high (84). There were no signs of stress though, and was eating fine.

After he died we replaced it with another. We've had him since July and again was perfectly happy. Ate fine and had great color.

Our tank parameters are perfect. 0 across the board with salinity at 1.026.

We have a 50 gallon tank. 30" long, which is small for a yellow tang and we know. But the tang was about 3" long and we have intentions of upgrading to a more suitable sized tank early next year.

I can't think of any reason for him to die. Our fish and corals are happy. But then again, so was the tang. Nothing new was added to the tank except a ricordea coral the day before the death. Can't imagine that doing anything.

Is the tank size killing my tangs?
More then likely I would say yes. Tangs need swimming room even if they are small. 6ft at least.
Minimum tank size for a yellow tang is 75 (and I think even that's a stretch).

Wait on the tang until you actually upgrade. :)
Don't buy a fish for a tank you MAY have tomorrow, buy fish for the tank you have today. A 50 gallon tank is too small for any tang, period
+1 everyone (including you). I'm sure some people have had luck with a tang in a small tank....doesn't mean the tang would be better off in a larger tank. It's like trying to make you live in a house the size of a closet (unless you're in a city like NY w/ a closet-size apt LOL...but at least you can get out of your house). Even inmates who are in small isolation rooms go crazy.