Introduce yourself with pics.

Hello everybody :wave:

My name is Becky and I am Ian's wife. Things are fairly busy for Ian at the moment, so I'm here in case anything crops up - he should still be around as usual though.

Nice to meet you all! The attached pic is from our recent wedding :)


  • Becky & Ian.jpg
    Becky & Ian.jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 239
Hi Becky!!! Ian's like our dad, leaves us to bicker amongst ourselves until one of us falls and hurts ourselves LOL Guess you're like our mom? :D Awesome pic!!! Love the B&W effect.

Congrats on the nuptials!
Ian's like our dad, leaves us to bicker amongst ourselves until one of us falls and hurts ourselves LOL Guess you're like our mom? :D

Ha ha!!! :rofl: I guess so - although I'd like to think of myself more as the cool aunt ;)

Thank you both for the warm welcome - and I'm glad you like the photo! x