Injured Fish

+1 Biff....
Baiblue - Glad you didn't disappear as RC predicted! (RC - yeah, blunt you are, haha)

I think the advice you'll hear above all is to get rid of your tangs. That'll seriously reduce your bioload and they are simply not compatible with your size tank.
I don't think the blue angel will make it, might want to just euthanize him now...

Don't throw the tank away, even if we joke about it...beginners (like me) make mistakes and learn from them. I went through 3 skimmers for not listening to what the experts were saying.

You can probably keep an angel, one of the clownfish + (possible) the tomato clown, and a few damsels, even if they are completely evil fish.

Maybe a few more after that, but I'd keep a very small bioload until your tank can stabilize again. And from there, ADD SLOW and no more than 6-7 fish of medium tangs, bummer I know - I'm upgrading to a 120 in a year so I can just have ONE tang. They are VERY space sensitive and they are messy & take up a good chunk of the available "bioload" capacity of your tank.

Hope that helps, keep posting!
Well, the tank is too small for any adult angelfish. A 70 gallon tank is considered a "medium" sized tank, but tangs and angels are considered "large" fish and need large tanks. If you want to keep tangs and angels and you have the funds, you may want to just get a bigger tank. If you don't want a bigger tank, then you should start looking into the fish that do well in a 70 gallon tank.

Dwarf angels like coral beauty and flame angels are perfect for a 70 gallon tank, as are the clowns you have. Gobies and most wrasses are also good fish for a tank that size. Tangs and angels, sorry. They are not.
I know for a fact that over-crowding is the cause of that injury to that angel fish.Because reef fish set up and maintain their own territory and those big angels are extremely territorial.Tangs are the same way and damsels are even worse.
Once a fish gets injured and has open wounds,the other fish see that as an easy meal and will keep picking at it untill the fish is dead.
I know for a fact that over-crowding is the cause of that injury to that angel fish.Because reef fish set up and maintain their own territory and those big angels are extremely territorial.Tangs are the same way and damsels are even worse.
Once a fish gets injured and has open wounds,the other fish see that as an easy meal and will keep picking at it untill the fish is dead.

i took the blue angel out and put him in the freezer since i didnt want to see him suffer anymore and he looked so unhappy
I'm sorry you had to make that tough choice. It's never easy to euthanize a fish, but it's pretty easy to tell when a fish is in pain and is not going to survive. I think you made the right decision for the guy. His injuries looked pretty substantial, and like Yote, I think it was only a matter of time before he died.
The unicorn tang is an absolute yes. Sorry to say it but that should be the very first fish to go. Get rid of the koran and emperor too. Yes dwarfs will be fine but absolutely no large angels no pomacanthus holocanthus etc. Sorry its not exactly as you had pictured it but trust me its much better this way.
no i did not mean throw it away but i am just saying that that is were it is heading with all those fish in there. i am glad to hear that you are trying to make it right. we will help you as much as we can to have a healthy tank.
I'm sorry you had to euthanize your fish. I can't even fathom the idea, let alone do it with my own two hands You are doing the right thing by thinning out your numbers; also an emotional task.

I hope you haven't taken anyone's comments as personal attacks as I can promise you that is not the case. The forums here see these exact posts countless times in a given week and the moderators/highly-experienced reefers - the people who more-or-less approach the posts first hand - deal with these on a daily basis. I'm sure you could understand where they come from.

That being said, what you are doing must take immense amounts of will-power and I hope everything goes smoothly.
I'm sorry you had to euthanize your fish. I can't even fathom the idea, let alone do it with my own two hands You are doing the right thing by thinning out your numbers; also an emotional task.

I hope you haven't taken anyone's comments as personal attacks as I can promise you that is not the case. The forums here see these exact posts countless times in a given week and the moderators/highly-experienced reefers - the people who more-or-less approach the posts first hand - deal with these on a daily basis. I'm sure you could understand where they come from.

That being said, what you are doing must take immense amounts of will-power and I hope everything goes smoothly.

im starting to think someone before had taken the comments as personal attacks?

or maybe everyone on here is so nice they apologized for other people they think might be considered harsh :p

but honestly at my work last week alone i was told i was going to be beat up and urinated on ( not in those words :mrgreen:)

but i have 14-15 fish now since all the damsels are gone

but im currently looking to buy a bigger fish tank for my unicorn fish who is about 5 inches right now
since i really really dont want to get rid of him because everytime i pass by the tank he does tricks and begs for food :D
yea he follows my finger swims in circles even lets me pet him IMO he is a very cool fish :)

Yea thats pretty cool that he knows that well, my clownfish lets me sorta pet him, but im also glad to hear that your trying to upgrade your tank or get a bigger one atleast.....good luck to you and hope everything turns out for the good for ya.:Cheers:
i have around 25 fish

1 yellow tang 1 purple tang 1 unicorn tang ( he is the pacman of my tank he just eats and eats doesnt care about the other fish) 2 blue hippo tangs

1 singapore angel 1 bicolor angel 1 koran angel 1 emperor angelfish
3 orange clown fish 3 black clown fish 1 tomato fish
1 4 strip damsel 1 3 strip damsel 2 Large Dominos ( dunno how they got so big) and about 5 yellow tail/ green damsels

i had a half orange/black clown fish but none of the fish seemed to like him as by clown fishes only hang out with the same color clown fish and where picking at him since he wasnt 100% of either (makes me think clown fish are racist)
Get rid of all the fish except 1 yellow tang, 1 bicolor angel, and keep only 2 of the 7 clowns.
im starting to think someone before had taken the comments as personal attacks?

or maybe everyone on here is so nice they apologized for other people they think might be considered harsh :p

but honestly at my work last week alone i was told i was going to be beat up and urinated on ( not in those words :mrgreen:)

but i have 14-15 fish now since all the damsels are gone

but im currently looking to buy a bigger fish tank for my unicorn fish who is about 5 inches right now
since i really really dont want to get rid of him because everytime i pass by the tank he does tricks and begs for food :D

Getting rid of the damsels was your first big step towards a better tank.