Im dumb


Reefing newb
Ok so when I bought my tank it had the Red Sea skimmer in the sump and the guy said it goes with the tank but he never used it. Something about fish only tank. But anyway when he was helping me set it up he said all I needed to do was plug the pump in and hook up an air pump to it, so I did. Now Im thinking that it doesn't need an air hose and that it actually sucks air threw that hose when the pump is running. Im guessing that may be a huge cuase in my skimmer not doing much?
If your red sea is like mine, it does pull the air in from the airline that's coming out of the base. Can you post a pic? Do you see a lot of bubbles in the chamber? What I found with mine is that if the skimmer is not perfectly level or if the level of the water is not just right, it won't skim. But mine is a very very old version, and it's crap anyway lol That, and some skimmers take a few days to adjust. You also might not have enough bioload to produce much skimmate.