Idenification (emergency)


Reefing newb
I am new to saltwater tanks. Volunteering at the museum has led me to fix the saltwater tank because I know its in bad shape. I personally own 3 freshwater fish tanks and take EXCELLENT care of my fish. For the next post I will post pictures of the setup including all of the equipment. Now, I need you guys to identify the equipment, tell me what else we need, and tell me how to do water changes on saltwater tanks because I'm assuming that it is a different process than freshwater.
water changes on SW tanks:
1. Obtain reverse osmosis-deionized water (at your grocery store, water club , or a local fish/pet store)
2. Obtain a decent salt mix, a small pump, a length of tubing (5-6') that will fit the pump, and a small shatter proof heater, and bucket(s) or rubbermaid containers for mixing.
3. Put water into container. Put pump, heater in container. Measure out salt according to package directions, and dump that into the container too.
4. Allow to mix for at least 24 hrs. Check salinity with refractometer. Most people keep their water around 1.025 specific gravity, but you want the new water to match the salinity of the tank water.
5. Remove dirty water from the tank. if there's no drain, the easiest way to do this is to put the pump into the tank, with some tubing attached, and pump the waste water into a bucket.
6. Place pump into clean water and pump into tank.
Can you keep your tanks cool? Marine tanks as even more sensitive than fresh water tanks to temp changes. Start out wiith a FOWLR tank and get your tank stabilized before going for corals.