
Hypo is relatively simple process shouldnt give you to many problems.

Lower the salinity over a few days, raise it even slower the full process will take at least 28 days then raise it over the course of 14 days back to regular, maintain your temperature at 83 or so for the treatment then lower it to your normal temps.
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Yes..i hope it works..I'm not expecting a lot only to control ick..everything wash okay until the weather started changing..1/2 of the day is hot and then cold..
then you should stop. THERE IS NO CONTROL OF ICH, either live with it or eliminate it, if you have a chiller and the water is below 78 your fish are going to be more stressed and sluggish, lowering salinity is hazardous if your not doing a full treatment your gonna have trouble
If they are doing better, I would leave them. You will just have to live with it, if you choose to do that.
agreed! hypo is great for one or two new fish going into an established tank, treating a bunch in tank can be very tricky and sometimes takes quite a while, I really dislike copper because of the toxicity and damage it does, living with it means stability, reducing stress, making their habitat as suitable as possible, no temperature swings, running a properly sized and correctly flowed uv and most importantly a really good diet, garlic is suggested for their health but the component needed oxidizes very quickly so fresh squeezed over something added by a food supplier.
Your going to have problems and theres no saying when, do you know how to do a fresh water dip? sometimes its your only hope to reduce the population on a heavily infested fish