
Hey guys and girls, as your remember i have ick..i did have to many fish i got 2 fish out..but i wanted to get 2 more out.but to get them out..its hard i have a lot of spots that my net can get to them . i think its more stress for them trying to get them out..but for the ick part what can i do..not copper no way....
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your in that spot... hard place and a rock, IF you wish to be ich free there are no short cuts, all fish into quarantine for treatment, tank fallow 8 to 10 weeks, all new fish must be treated, if this can't/won't be done you will have losses and more outbreaks, many people live with ich and its a time bomb just ticking away
Do you have inverts in your tank? Or, as your signature states, fish only? If it's just fish, you could go hypo salinity for 30-45 days. You'd have to lower it quickly to 1.009, then after the alloted time period, raise it VERY VERY VERY slowly back up to your normal salinity. Ohnonemo's done this successfully. Depends on how sick your fish already are. I did for a hippo tang that I qt'd....got rid of ich, but she did not survive cuz she wouldn't eat.

Lowering it might also kill off some bacteria, too, so you'd have to watch out for ammonia spikes. It's a tricky process.
It shouldnt . .. many fish only aquariums keep their water at 1.019 to save costs on salt. But be sure to monitor ammonia just incase it does kill of a portion of your bacteria.
if ammonia is more toxic in elevated salinity and higher temperatures this would help with the loss of bio life associated with lower salinity wouldn't it?
I dunno. Ive never read anything saying that ammonia is less toxic at lower temperatures and salinity, only that its less toxic at a lower pH. It might be true, i just dont know.
Yes..i hope it works..I'm not expecting a lot only to control ick..everything wash okay until the weather started changing..1/2 of the day is hot and then cold..