I ordered fake corals! Can't wait to get them...



You have a freshwater tank? After setting up a saltwater tank?!?!?!!?!??!?!!?

I kid, i kid . . .

Happy friday to you too!


You have a freshwater tank? After setting up a saltwater tank?!?!?!!?!??!?!!?

I kid, i kid . . .

Happy friday to you too!

That is wrong!
I love my fresh tank its such a stark difference from bright neon colors to the subdued mellow browns and greens of my planted tank. I love them both.
uh oh, tank debate! I have to agree, my fresh water tank is not half as thrilling as my salt one....no agonizing over calcium and salinity levels, no test tubes and flesh burning chemicals, no mixing and heating and and praying and crying and hiding receipts or lying that something was on "mega sale". Yup, fresh water tanks aren't near as interesting as salt!
I have a 75 gallon freshwater and I love it! I like to have both, they are so different from eachother. And freshwater is cheaper lol
uh oh, tank debate! I have to agree, my fresh water tank is not half as thrilling as my salt one....no agonizing over calcium and salinity levels, no test tubes and flesh burning chemicals, no mixing and heating and and praying and crying and hiding receipts or lying that something was on "mega sale". Yup, fresh water tanks aren't near as interesting as salt!

I couldn't agree with you more.