I need some help...

There are so many cool wrasses; I'd get one of those, or a sixline wrasse. Some sort of pygmy angel. If you like clowns, a pair of clowns are kind of a reef tank staple. Maybe a rainford's goby? A pair of purple or red firefish. There really are a lot of options.

All of those are more colorful and interesting than chromis.
Biffs all over this thread.:D But if you want corals,I'd dodge the lemonpeel angel like it had the plague.I have yet to see one that didnt like the taste of corals.
Looks at some of the clownfish.The wrasses that Biff mentioned,gobies.Theres all kinds of cool fish that will do great in a tank that size.
Strange enough those little Clown gobies tend to pick at corals too, as James implied. Too bad cause they are cute little fellows. Look into Neon Gobies. They are safe and will "clean" your fish too!