I caught him!!!!!

They're EVIL I tell ya!! EVIL!!! :chair:

My frakkin' emerald was nice as can be........ so cute munching on algae in the frag tank. I loved him......... at first.

Enter Mr. Hyde:

I witnessed him attack a nassarius snail and start taking chunks out of the snails foot. The snail headed for the sand and tried to dive down for cover and the damn emerald just dug him up. Then a poor little harmless bristle worm happened in front of the crab so he left the snail alone and BUTCHERED the bristle worm like a Japanese chef with a sharp sword. Plucked him to pieces and ate 1/2 of him!! Left the dieing carcass wriggling on the sand bed and scampered off to hide under a rock while he digested his MEATY dinner.

He hasn't touched a shred of algae since that day.

They're EVIL!! Feed all of them to puffers and triggers!!!

Membership in the Crabs Are Evil Society is free. Just add it to your signature line.:mrgreen:
Again your honor I object! the snail was practicing gorilla war fair he had bit the crab and ran so the crab was in defence mode, and that bristol worm.....well he said something bout crabs momma!

OK i'm done this jobless thing has gone to my head!
Going to find a job c-ya
Again your honor I object! the snail was practicing gorilla war fair he had bit the crab and ran so the crab was in defence mode, and that bristol worm.....well he said something bout crabs momma!

OK i'm done this jobless thing has gone to my head!
Going to find a job c-ya

I'm jobless too. Bored to tears. :mrgreen:
Did you go back to work? I thought you got laid off a little while back?

Yeah,they called me back after 2 weeks.
They figured out that they needed somebody that actually knew what they were doing in the shop,plus had 26 curb adapters to build:D
But I got the last 2 weeks of turkey season off,so I enjoyed it:Cheers:
Send me a PM
What kind of work are you looking for? I own to retail stores in Tucson.

Thanks, but he didn't mean me. He was talking to RC and JB. I am staying busy these days in real estate! What type of stores do own?

Yeah what are your stores? If I know that they're yours I will be much more compelled to shop there!! ;)

I too hate crabs. My sally lightfoots killed and ate several of my fish. I'm also waiting for my hermits to die.

The only one I like is my giant hermit Claude. His shell is as big as a tennis ball!! Too bad Claude has killed several of my most giantest mexican turbos I've ever seen to get to where he is today. It's a trade off I guess. At least Claude has character and flair. Once I found Claude's shell in the overflow. I was distraught because I thought he was dead. He showed up in a new shell later on. What a relief!
That's funny. When I started out I bought about 25 blue legs. There were so many that I didn't notice in the store that I got one that was a little different. Desmond is bigger than the other Crabs, with smaller claws, he is mostly white, and he is gentle. He rarely causes trouble and when he does it's just from getting to close to my corals with his big shell. He is currently in a huge astrea shell or a small turbo... i can't remember and he's hiding now after lights out. I hope he lives forever!
Tell you what, great crab whisperer, come get them and put them in your tank. When they shred your corals and knock over your frags, I don't want to hear your crying.