I can't believe my LFS said that????

Well he also sold me a Cleaner Shrimp that sits on one rock in the same 4 sq inches and dosen't clean shit haha. He just catches food that floats past him. If he is in a friendly mood and I put my finger right up to him he will clean it but other than that he is a dud.

That realy isn't the LFS fault, sometimes shrimp do what they want. And i geuss that one doesn't like to clean:helm2:
Well he also sold me a Cleaner Shrimp that sits on one rock in the same 4 sq inches and dosen't clean shit haha. He just catches food that floats past him. If he is in a friendly mood and I put my finger right up to him he will clean it but other than that he is a dud.

It must be a male cleaner shrimp. Does it have a stash of beer and the remote?
I think I read somewhere that the guys from Tanked only put all the livestock in for filming -- they don't actually set up the tank that way. They must take most of the fish out after they've got their shots. If so, that's pretty misleading to the public who don't know about the hobby, and I'd think there should be some sort of clear disclaimer explaining that. But that wouldn't be as fun!
At least for the Mob tank they didn't do that. We were there and saw it just after install and it was fully stocked and remained that way for days. Fish were not looking so hit by the time we left.
Or maybie on Tanked they they setup the tank and then come back a few weeks later to put the fish in. And just put the film together so it looks like they are putting them in the same day?
I honestly doubt it. How hard would it be to have a quick rundown of how to cycle a tank? It reads more complicated then it actually is.

Makes me feel a little bad for those who have lost thousands of dollars worth of livestock due to that show, but only a little ;) So glad I found this site.
I was out of town and a fish store told me that I could put a small hippo tang in my 90. I could trade him in when he got too big.

One the other hand I was at Richmond Aquarium last month and they had an awesome 2000 gallon tank that had grown hippo tangs and it was a great visual of why you don't need a hippo tang in a 90.