I added a Coral eauty Angelfish! WOW!

Ok I just thought I would have to do all this adding and cleaning.

I have the Nova Extreme Pros 6x54 on the 80 Gal Bow Front.

I finally bought them after you mentioned them a few times.

I have plenty of neat spots near the top of the water and about half way down.

I just wanted some blue and green. I saw those Zoanthids in so many colors but they all have the same shape. I wanted something wavy that likes water movement because one of my powerheads blow right across the one anemone and down between the rocks to the back of the tank.

I tossed in a piece of frozen food and it got in the powerhead and man the water flies all over real good. It was like a blizzard of food.
You could go with blue or green mushrooms. You have plenty of light for them. They dont require any special care, just find some that you like, find a spot for them that gets light and you're done
+1 Northstar

They come in a vareity of colors and you can place them anywhere in your tank. I would suggest starting them at the bottom and slow acclimating them upwards to where you want to put them.

If you want wavy movement look into green star polyps.

And like Biff said, you dont need to add anything for the corals.

Please dont get anything other than soft corals until your nitrates are closer to zero.
Not too bad. Hmm...

I was thinking I may want a coral that is less spread out though. I am so used to being able to see through the caves I would hate to have that blocking them but I love the colors I have seen on-line.

I guess once I see it in person I will know for sure.

I am making a list so let me slap that one on it to see. Spanx
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbkscBSofcI&feature=related]YouTube - Pumping Pulsing Xenia Elongata Presentation[/ame]

This is exactly what mine looks like. Flow and everything.
Now that is really pretty.

What care do you provide specifically for it.

Like will lower salinity be a factor and things like that PH, etc.

Oh yeah Pet Solutions refunded me the money for at least one of the 2 Red Sea junk kits I bought.

I paid $40 for an API master kit but they sell it for only $17.99
That is too many fish, i would get rid of the damsel at least (they are totally evil fish anyways and have been know to bully the other fish to death). You might be able to add the 5th fish, but if you are getting algae or nitrates before adding the 5th then you know you are at your stocking limit already. But i would say 5 fish is the maximum you can have in there.

And that is great skimmer. Just make sure you get one that is rate for twice your system volume.

I am totally going to sound hippy dippy here, but listen to your tank. It will tell you when you are at your stocking limits.
I think that sounds like a great list.

But i personally would do the 6 line and then either the blenny or goby. But this is kinda biased because i LOVED my 6 line, and then you dont have too many fish occupying the same niche in the tank.

Seriously though, 6 line is like my fav ever for the smaller tanks.
Yes you should, but i think you could sneak another fish in there after the wrasse. But it also depends on the wrasses. Some 6 lines have turned into real butt heads over time, other have been supper mellow, laid back fish.