How do you do it!?


Reef enthusiast
How do you guys get such awesome pictures of your tank? Mine always turn out with a lot of glare, or the camera won't focus at all. I don't have a fancy camera-- and don't really even know what to look for for the purpose of taking pics of tanks. Never done much with photography before, but I sure would like to learn how to take pics of my tank, so where did you all start?
use manual focus because with automatic the cameras "brain" tries to guess what your trying to take a picture of and its usually wrong. also dont take tank pictures at angles.
To help with the glare.Cut all the room lights off.
If your using a point and shoot camera,it helps to back up just a bit.A lot of times the camera will try to focus on the glass.
I have a pretty nice camera but i found that my phone takes really good pics. then i email them to myself then upload them from there. :Cheers:. Good luck