How Do I ?


Resident Photoshopper
I Have a Tomato clown fish that will not go near My new Anemone.

What do I need to do to get these two to meet ?
There was a tomato in this Anemone at the Store.

this is my 2nd Anemone, My first one Met the Business end of my Power head 3 days after purchasing it :frustrat: Lol I now have the sponge that prevents that :mrgreen:
All you can do is wait it out. They may never bond or it might just take a few weeks. I think all of us have a powerhead story like yours. :D I had a powerhead that got an anemone and a mandarin goby. :(

And welcome to livingreefs.
Jerm's right, there's no way to force them to host. Some clowns will, some clowns won't. You just have to be patient and hope that yours will take to it. It may never, or it might take a while.
mine true percs wont host anything! i had a bubble tip for two months and they wouldn't look at it! the anemone tried to escape through the intake of the canister filter and it tore him in half. (he watched finding nemo too much and thought all drains really do lead to the ocean) just as well though. clowns wouldn't host him and he hid out under a rock most of the time and i couldn't see him anyway. i doubt that i ever buy another anemone unless i can find i way to glue it where i want it :) i'll just stick to corals
yeah anemones are hard to keep anyway if you dont have the right lighting for them.

but you will just have to wait it out, your clown may never host.... he could host tomorrow... you just never know
You got good info here.
Some times you get a clown that will host anything in the tank.Other times they would rather just host a corner.
I had a Seba Clown that hosted every single coral or anemone in my 30.Then I got myself 2 lil Ocellaris Clowns,that took over 2 months to decide where they wanted to spend the night.Now they stay in my bubble tip and rarly stray to far from it.
well I dont know if this means anything, But it has Tripled in size over night at first i thought he was dying, But this morning he Perked back up and seams well.

My clown is Looking at it more and wants to hover over top of it , ill keep my fingers crossed !

Sorry to hear about the loss of your first clown.. but 99.999999% (+/-.000001) the fish was dead before it got stuck in that intake for the powerhead.

something to think about: remove that sponge unless you plan on replacing it with a completely clean sponge probably every other day. Sponges do a great job of removing all those nasties in the water. The only problem is - is that those nasties stay in the sponge. The longer it's in the tank the greater risk of crashing your sysytem.

The current created by the powerhead is not strong enough to kill most fish. Most fish can outswim the powerhead a few weeks after they are born (a fry won't outswim it - but then again.. they are only 1/4" long)

Sorry to hear about the loss of your first clown.. but 99.999999% (+/-.000001) the fish was dead before it got stuck in that intake for the powerhead.

something to think about: remove that sponge unless you plan on replacing it with a completely clean sponge probably every other day. Sponges do a great job of removing all those nasties in the water. The only problem is - is that those nasties stay in the sponge. The longer it's in the tank the greater risk of crashing your sysytem.

The current created by the powerhead is not strong enough to kill most fish. Most fish can outswim the powerhead a few weeks after they are born (a fry won't outswim it - but then again.. they are only 1/4" long)

My clown died of natural causes (i suppose) it was my first anemone that met the fate of my powerhead intake It completly sucked him in and BLEW bits all over the tank ! I Quickly did a 30% or better water change !
to remove the pieces sorry if my post wasn't clear!
See my other post on your first thread - but - the anemone died due to lack of proper lighting. I made the same mistake when I first started in this hobby many years ago.