How are the tanks coming along jerm and jelly???

salt newbie01

Reefing newb
I thought at least one of you guys were supposed to get your 125 up and running - Chris I think?? So how's it coming?? Hope it is going well.
well hey brother how are things in your neck of the woods? Yes indeed finally got it last night worked on it till 3:00 this morning she is comeing along fine took almost 3 hours to clean the cc due to the D.A. letting it soak in bleach the rock was decent but cant complain overall they gave me an extra 7 pounds of decent rock for the headache ohh and guess what I now have a 400w 14000 over my 30 shes a beauty cant wait to post pics :D
Sounds Awesome! Cant wait to see the pics and the new tank running.

Just a side note too. You better acclimate your coral to the 400w or you might just melt them.

Have a good one.
Right on dave. Yeah that worried me as well so I hung it high with intenions to drop it low over time of the 125 cycling :D
Yep everything looks SO much better under that 14k I was so happy last night I cant wait to get home and look some more!!
Sounds great Jeremy! I bet the colors really came alive under that 14k bulb! When I moved my LPS over to the 58 tank with the 14k bulb it was like night and day. It really brings out the pretty colors. Well hurry up and get everything in that 125 and take some pics!!!!
she does have one of them phd thingies you know and come one patrick I thought you was my friend. How is it you can cuss me so deeply.
Hey jelly seeing how you went to bed an hour and a half after I left I'm assuming the tank is full and the overflow is flowing.
I was even thinking Chris when I typed that but for some reason my brain did not cooperate with me!!! That is starting to happen a lot more often these days. Sorry guys!!
This is about how the tanks are coming along, not if we are all kin.

As of now, I heard that they are having problems with Chris' tank. They were to fustrated to talk. So sorry no details.:frustrat: :frustrat:

I think operator error.:D