
Ok i was sittin around contemplating lighting and all my options, when i realized that i had an unused fluval 305 just collecting dust, my thoughts were to use it as a return pump from my fuge to the DT, is this a good idea or just a waste of power? it will in turn add a little volume to the whole system...and if i ever needed to run carbon or whatnot i could do it there...thoughts??

By the way everyone has been awesome, i love this forum and its been really helpful on me tryin to do this the right way:Cheers:
i would just use it to run media in an thats is not strong enough to be used as a returne pump if iam understanding that part
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Im just using it on a 29g tank and its rated for a 75, i was just gonna run it w/o anything in it, its an external can filter so wouldnt it have to be strong enough to pump water back up to the tank?
You could probably use it that way.But its going to collect a lot of crud in the corners,and that crud will cause you a lot of head aches later on.