Hitch hiker help!

Ohhh... The Drs. Foster and Smith rock was Caribbean and Fiji.

The rock from my LFS was Tonga Fusion. Whatever that is. Sounds like a type of drink.

I'm getting impatient. I'm going to move some more rock into my display tank today. I think the rock from my LFS is pretty much cured. The Drs. F & S rock still smells like shit though.
your tank is a new set up i think you can cure it inside your tank..thats what i do in new set ups..i rinse them well with clear water..i check for unwanted hitchhikers..althoug is not 100% safe...some nasty one will bloomm.lol..then i place them in the tank..i run carbon..and skimmer at the time..
biffs right everything will die if you cycle the tank while fish and corals are in it
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My god, I hope I NEVER reach the point where I can read fluent HiBye! I would have to de-evolve about two decades to get there!
i dont sleep we have these little type writer thing that give lessons im on lesson 52 most kids are on 60 to 70