
Well, if this were my tank, I'd take back everything but the clown. BUT that also depends on the kind of angel you have -- dwarf angels such as a flame or coral beauty would be perfect for your size tank. You could trade your angel for one of those guys if you have a larger angel right now.

Firefish (purple or red) would be great for your tank, as would gobies, blennies, cardinalfish and wrasses.

Unfortunately, tangs, triggers and angels just need bigger tanks and more swimming space.

Do you have live rock in your tank?

Edit: I see that you just said you have a coral beauty. That's perfect! That is one of the small angels and is just fine for your tank size. :)
Yup, and since you want to have corals some day you want to get "reef safe" fish. Triggers are not reef safe >_<

Fish that are considered not reef safe it's b/c they will nip/pick at your corals/inverts and kill them.

btw, I like how we got to page 3 in <30 mins lol
Make sure that your water quality is good too. Ammonia and nitrites should be at 0 and nitrates should be as close to zero as you can get them for an anem