hey i miss this forum! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No clue about reefs
ok ok my mushroom is being over ran by pancakes! like redish burgundy pancakes.... its like someone throwing pancakes all over ur body what r they PLEASE HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!




THEY EVEN MOVE SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!
I'm guessing flatworms.
Start siphoning them out as you find them.And get some flatworm exit,mix up enough water for a 50% water change,and kill em.After you add exit,siphon and/or net all the flatworms you can see.
When they die,they release toxins that can crash your tank.One or 2 dieing at time wont hurt anything,But you've got to kill em quick to get em out of the tank.
Those are flatworms. You'll need to listen to what Yote said. Treat your tank ASAP. If you don't treat right away, you will probably kill everything in your tank when you do.
so after i treat the tank how long do i wait until i do a 50% water change? thats the only coral that has the flat worms. and if i miss the ones i cant see then im still gunna have a toxic outbreak arent i
Yep,But it wont be no where near as as if you wait a week.
You need to kill them all right now or the problem is just going to worsen.
Most of the smaller wrasses will eat the flatworms.But with the number of em you can already see,you already have too many for a wrasse to control em.You've got to knock the population down so the natural methods will have a chance.
Do a water change immediately after dosing. The flatworms will start to die as soon as you add the medication. Scoop all their bodies out with a net, or siphon them out, because you don't want them rotting in the tank.
You have wayyyyyyy more flatworms then you think. I thought the same thing. I siphoned out all that I could see. But when I treated the tank I had hundreds that came running out of the LR.
ok im going to treat my tank, remove what i can and suk some out with a hose an net some... and im goin to wait 1 hour and do a 70% water change. will i be ok?
i would not do anything over 50% either but still you need to make shure that the temp and everything else is the same as the tank or you will risk shocking all the inhabitants and they all could die. i would run tons of carbon and change 20-30 % the carbon will neturlize the toxins from the flatworms and the flatworm exit.