Hey! =D


Reefing newb
I'm new to this forum and I own a 29 gallon tank. It used to be freshwater but now it is empty. I am interested in learning about how to successfully have a saltwater coral 29 gallon tank. Thanks!:bounce:
hello and welcome :)

what are you planning to do?
a reef tank, fish only with live rock?

let us know your every wish and we will be glad to help you get there :)
Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any questions as to there are many people on here who are more than willing to help.

When it comes to filtration, use Live Rock/Live Sand. If you have a power/canister filter, you can ditch those because a canister filter is a bitch to clean and a detritus trap as well as the power filter.

Go with a protein skimmer or an algae scrubber for your setup. Remember that the amount of fish in a saltwater tank is less than what you can have in a freshwater tank.

If I can think right, I believe it's 1 fish per 10 gallons?

You'll need to monitor your levels of Ammonia, Nitrates, and Nitrites. You can't use tap water and condition it like you can with freshwater. You need to use RODI water (Reverse Osmosis Deionized) and or distilled water that you can get at certain stores.

Your Salinity should be about 1.025 and your temperature being at around a solid 80 degrees.

There are 2 things you can use for measuring your salinity. A hydrometer and a refractometer. Refractometers are by far your best bet in this hobby. Hydrometers arn't as accurate.

Patience is a virtue in this hobby. You can't just add water, rock, sand and dump in inverts, fish, corals off the bat. Your tank has to go through a cycle where your parameters will spike up and will go down to zero during the end of the spike. And even after the spike, you should only start with a clean up crew consisting of snails/crabs.

Wait it out a little bit and keep making sure your parameters are reading zeros and soon you can start by adding a fish at a time. For a 29 gallon aquarium. I believe it would be safe to say you can add 3 small sized fish to that tank. No more than that though.

A good example would be a mated pair of clowns and probably a goby/blenny. There's different combinations out there though.

There's a lot more I could tell you but i'll let other people chime in or wait to see if you have questions for us.

Good Luck!
I was hoping to do corals but I might start with fish only then advance to corals. Thanks everybody for welcoming me

Yeah, no problem. We are here to help you if you need it. Corals are wonderful. If you're new at corals, try mushroom and zoanthid corals to start off with. They look great and are pretty hardy/easy to have. :)