

Reefing newb
I'm a newb to saltwater fish, and i am just trying to find info about how to keep clownfish (Maroon clowns, or peculiar). Wut is the smallest size tank that u can use, how do u maintain salt levels, wut would the overall cost be (aproximately), i have a ten gallon tank and thats all, i already have a stand and everything for it, and i don't really have the money for a bigger one, any one have a cheaper route to get a bigger tank with a stand, and i would like and anemone or two with a few live rocks....does anyone know wut the average cost would be?
o and wut type of equiptment do i absolutely need or my fish will never make it...and wut kind of extra stuff do i need to ensire there health...and the ost please...tnx
Whewww!. quite a question. in order to answer your questions you will need some basic back ground of understanding of how the marine systems work. Not to put you off on your questions, but, my best advice at this point is to go to the helpful articles and read the articles on page one pertaining to beginners, etc. take good notes and once you have finsihed the reading come back here for any item that has not been answered in the articles. there are plenty of ways to set up a small system, however, a small system such as you want is very demanding as there is not a lot of water and little room for error. 1st lesson is in saltwater bad things seem to happen quickly and good things take time to develope. so start with patients now and do some reading as suggested. you could possibly set up a 10 gal in salt for about 3 to 4 hundred dollars with all the equipment to make it as maintenance free as possible and then if you decide to go to a larger system, you will use your equipment on that also in a perfect world, now for a bare bones system, at least 2 hundred to 250. hope this helps.