Help plz

Ya he learned his lesson the first day when he clamped down on his leg. I think i will go and get a maxima clam. what can you tell me about them?
Clams need a lot of light, and they are usually pretty hardy, although in my experience they tend to up and die sometimes for no apparent reason. They do better in mature tanks (at least several months old), but they still can do fine in newish tanks.
Personally I would slow down on adding things. Give your tank a little more time to mature. With something dieing I know its hard and you want to replace it, but it may not be the best idea.

That aside, I have never kept a clam myself, but I think your lighting would be ok? Im not sure how they do with PC, but I have seem them do great under T5's.
Well, i just added my skimmer today, and i plan on getting rid of my damsel so all i will have is 3 crabs and 2 snails and my peppermint shrimp that I have not seen for a day or 2
Flames are reef safe-ish. They won't always nip at clams, although some will. It's probably about a 50/50 chance. I have a coral beauty angel in my tank, which leaves the clams alone. If you MUST have an angel, flames and coral beauties are the most widely available reef safe-ish ones. But any of the larger angels (like the koran) will not be safe around clams.
Ya the only angel i like is the flame angel. If the 1 i get nips at him, i will sell him and try to find another 1 before i get attached to him