Help my crazy sump/ fuge!

you dont really need a uv they can be good and bad and since you need live food they are bad in your situation. there is still to many chances for this to go bad and flood in my opinion but i dont know how to help make it work for you besides either lifting your main tank up and or lowering the sump tank
If I got the picture right the water drains into the 20g and then you pump it to a fuge. Then it drains into a ten gallon that pumps the water back to the tank? You don't want to do it this way. The pumps will not pump the same amount of water. Even if you put valves on them I don't think you will ever get them exact.
ok i just thought of something that will be full proof i think but you will need an overflow box for the fuge tank.

ok have your tank dump into the bucket and have a pump in there that pumps it from there back to the tank. then have a second pump in that bucket that pumps to the fuge tank but you will need an overflow on this tank that allows the water back to the bucket then from there to the tank no need to worry about how it is going to work here is a crude pic i did in paint then you can use the filter socks on the drain lines


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If you got the tub or something like what I linked and placed it on the floor, everything could gravity fill the tub. Then you could either use one pump with a manifold to feed the 2 little fishies and return line. Or you could use 2 different pumps. One return to each tank.

What I did for mine was have it all drain to a sump. The water is pumped back with an external pump, that feeds frag tank, calcium reactor, phosban reactor and main tank. You only want the water pumping from the lowest tank of water.
Ok, I worked on this and I've managed to get my 20 gallon on the floor. So, the water will flow to my 20 gallon. It will flow over bio balls, skimmed, and carboned. The return pump will be in the large section of the 20 gallon. The return line has a 'T' on it. One part of the 'T' will return to my tank. The other part of the 'T' will drain to my fuge. The fuge has a gravity drain hole in the side with a tube which drains back to my 20 gallon. I'm going to swap out my 20 gallon with one of those tubs as soon as I can. Would that work?
