Help amphipods decimated zoas

Something very similar happened to me. A frag of zoas died and every night there was a horde of amphis on the plug...I'm pretty sure they just melted, then the pods cleaned up the mess. It's probably a similar occasion for you.
In a large enough tank the wrasse and pipefish would be fine together. Some wrasses are very peaceful and would be fine with pipefish. I have a sixline and a yellow multibanded pipefish in the same tank.

Really?! I had no idea I always see them in the store and think how pretty they are but I read that wrasses were to do more research!
Really?! I had no idea I always see them in the store and think how pretty they are but I read that wrasses were to do more research!

Not all wrasses are, fairy and leopard wrasses are all peaceful wrasses. Lined wrasses are semi-aggressive. But, most non-reef safe wrasses are either semi or aggressive tempered.