Hello i am new


Reefing newb
Hello Everyone,
I am new to this and I am in the middle of cycling my new saltwater aquarium. It is only 22 gallons and will be a fish and live rock tank to start. Any reccomendations on good ways to get this going. There is live rock and live sand at the moment with a hang on the back filter. How many hours of light should it get? any suggestions would be great.

Thank You,
Welcome to the site and the hobby Brent.
While the tanks cycling,just use the lights sparingly.That way you wont as big of an algae bloom (hopefully).
How much rock do you have in there?Did you get it local or online?
Welcome to the site. The length of time for you lighting period depends on the type and intensity of the lights you have. as a general rule with live rock you want at least 6 hours but, the more light the more chance of an algae bloom, so, when the algae start to show you will need to add some cleanup crew. Good luck, ask you questions in the general forums where more will see them and Im sure you will get lots of responses to your questions. Have fun.