have porcupine puffer...Quick question

I know somebody who is breaking down there 140 and they are going to give me their 100 pounds of sand, 30 pounds of live rock, and 75 gallons of his water so my cycle wont take as long. Going to try and get his sump too.
Good deal Saltee.

We here are on a budget,thats why we recommend Koralias and Octopus skimmers....not like that stuck up big forum site**cough**Reef Central**cough**.
If I were a betting man (which I am, I rule in Vegas), I would not put any money on your clown. he will most likely be toast. Puffers do great in FOWLR systems with angelfish, groupers, etc. Small fish are lunch. I hope you can be the exception.


Turns out that the puffer and clown are best friends. Never has even gotten close to turning him into a meal. I also have a small clown gobie which is barely an inch long and they both lay ontop of the gsp together. Im trying to get him off the live fish but he wont go for nothing but the rosie feeder fish I buy him. I feel like im under feeding him but he is getting 6 rosie's and still acts hungry! Also the puffer and the trigger I have are supposedly not reef safe but both have been careful around the corals and havent touched nothing (besides laying on the gsp). Do yall think I need to feed him more or less then 6 rosie's? Im afraid all the juice and guts from the fish is going to make my nitrates go up. Right now they stay around 20 if not less. Sorry for the long post just *updating* and had a quick question. Thanks
feeding fish makes for messy meals. you are right that it will effect your water quality. they tend to not eat them whole but tear at them, making a mess. if you can get it to eat frozen food, all the better. Glad you are having luck with him playing nice with other tankmates. I bet that if you keep him fat and happy, you will have success
