Hardy corals not opening, help!!


Reefing newb
Hello every1,

I have no luck in getting my leather, mushrooms and star polyps to open. I had them 2 wks now. My water parameter are good with a little nitrate (10). I run 2-150watt MH with 2 PC. I thought it was my ligthing. I used to have T5 with 4x 54 watts for 110 gls. I now the flow is not the issue, cuz I have M40ecotech and 2 -470 flow rate korilla. Please help.
Thanks for all the replies and apologize for late reply. Anyway, information provided as follows: NO3-.05, PH-8.3, Salinity- 1.026. Just had WC last Friday. My star polyps open partlally, but my leather and mushroom still no luck. All my turbo snail died. Don't know how long now. I had 2 peppermint shrimp, 3 hermits. Do I need to do another WC to make sure that my water will not contaminate. I dose my tank with MB7 and Reef biofuel.

No, I did not acclimate my MH when first got it. I guess it's too late to do that now. But after 2 days I got it, someone told me to turn on the MH only for 4hrs for 1week and I did that.