Hammer Coral


I know that I don't know
Today at the LFS, they had beautiful hammer coral so we got a small piece. We brought it home and put it in the tank. Within literally 3 minutes it was ascended upon by what we think is a peppermint shrimp. It was being devoured. So I put it in a cup that you hang on the front with holes in it so the coral is getting flow. Is this a common thing with peppermint shrimp? Are there other shrimp that would be safe with hammer coral?
Are you sure you have a peppermint shrimp? Camel shrimp look pretty similar but are not reef safe and will devour LPS corals.

Buuut, i have heard of few peppermint shrimp eating LPS corals but that is more the exception not the rule
I am not sure possibly it is a camelback, either way it's going to the LFS tomorrow. They will give me store credit.

Any other shrimp recommendations?
I vouch for that!!! My skunk cleaner is the best! He even cleans my or my girlfriend's hand when we do anything that requires sticking our hands in the tank (not an often occurrence) lol
Here is the best picture I could get of the culprit. I know it was him because I caught him in the act.


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Well the hammer is protected for tonight and the shrimp will be going to the LFS tomorrow. I do not think they will give me anything back on them since I have had them a month or so, but at least my coral will be intact.
I can't tell if that's a camel shrimp or not. It looks like a peppermint to me. :dunno: But like Hannah said, it's rare, but peppermints have gone after corals before. Normally they are very peaceful additions to the tank. Sorry you got a "rotten" one and I'm glad you were able to catch it!
Google camel shrimp, they have a very defined hump, and seem to have bright white stripes. I think its a peppermint you got, just a little jerk one