H.o.b fuge on 10 gallon nano


Reefing newb
Hell, i have not posted in a while, but i want to add a penguin 100 fuge on my nano. i am running a penguin 100 as my filtration, and have an extra to set up as a fuge, im thinking a 2 inch sand/crushed coral bed, some lr rubble, and chateu or however you spell it. i have a 14 watt 6700k desklamp to run on it. If anyone ahs any suggestions or anything it would be greatly appreciated. Its a 10 gallon 20 lbs lr. Mushrooms, green star polyps, gold dust zoos, and green eyed monster zoos. 6 blue leg hermits 4 snails, an emerald crab and a green chromis! oh and lighting is 4 by 18 t5.
I built one of these for a 20 gal I had up for a little while, and I will tell you right now, do NOT put sand in it, for 2 reasons: it will blow it everywhere and make your tank cloudy, and your fuge will be empty, and it will ruin the filter. Other than that, your plan sounds good.
Well, I used an aquaclear, but it should be about the same thing. It may be slightly different for your filter, but on the AC, there was a little hole where the water comes in where the impellor is exposed to whatever is inside, and if this is true you will want to cover that hole so nothing goes into the impellor. Also, in the return from the filter, you should put a piece of eggcrate, so the chaeto doesn't get pushed out. You are also going to want a little clip on light for the chaeto, doesn't have to be anything fancy.

As for stocking, I just had a little bit of rock rubble and a ball of chaeto.