growing coraline algae?


newbie reefer
I would like the coraline alage to start growing on the back glass of my tank. I heard you can expedite this process by cutting off a piece of it off a live rock in your tank?
I haven't heard of that but then again I am fairly new myself. I recently upgraded my light and use stuff like purple-up (I always test the calcium before adding this product) In 2 short weeks I have seen my rocks grow light green algae film that is starting to turn purple. I learned some really important advice over the weekend...follow a schedule and do weekly water changes of like 5 - 10 gallons.
ok thanks i'll look into it. I have a 55 gal that i do 5 gal changes every sunday. I had found some clam shells i added a few months back and those have coraline purple colors on them, so im in the right direction.
Yes you are... I was surprised how quich it grows once all the factors like light, water and calcium are in place. Purple up is good but you definitely need to test calcium before adding. I believe it should be about 420-460ppm if I remember correctly...
you can find something in the tank that already has corraline on it, and use a stiff toothbrush to brush the corraline, that will help it spread. If its started growing already, its only a matter of time before it takes off
Ok thats what I thought i'd read somewhere. I have a HOB refugium, and skimmer and want to cover it all up on the back glass. I'll have to give that a try!
After it REALLY'll want it to stop!! LOL! Trust me. I ended up punting my bottle of "Purple Up" out my back door:twocents:
i only have one korilia 3 powerhead in my 55 gal. im guessing lack of flow issues.. i was looking into a 1050 korilia evolution for the opposite side. Looks squishy, I had a small algae growth a while back but disappeared. I was thinking of getting a new T8 bulb over my refugium, there is red and green hair algae growing in it.
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I agree with little_fish.. there is green ( along with pink white purple and red) coralline algae is it hard on the glass?
and I have no powerheads in my 150..:D
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I'm no expert. But IMO one BIG powerhead isn't the best for a tank. I'd rather have a few medium to large ones blowing in diff directions. Even in smaller tanks. I have 3 425gph hydors in my 20g mantis and wish I had another. I forget the rule of thumb...I think it's 20-25 times the gallons of your tank. In your case 1100 gph... Don't quote me.....also take into consideration that these powerheads say they will do X amount of gph but tests have proved it's bullshit. Then in my case I got algea growing ibises them which slows it down....jus a thought.