Group Buy (BostonAquaFarms)

well im guessing that it might be safe for everyone to go ahead and start sending's the totals

james= $31.00 - PAID
brandon = $31.00 - PAID
crazyfrags = $42.50 PAID
ironman = $42.50 - PAID

paypal to: [email protected]
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i just got an email from jon @ bostonaquafarms and he said the order will go out wednesday the order should be here friday no later than saturday
yea, but they will probably be more of the 4-6 polyp range, since I have you, michael and David wanting some.

Speaking of fragging lets think about that acan I have sitting around it is starting to grow nice..... I was thinking the members that were at the frag meeting would have first dibs

Which would be:
3)Chris E
4)Chris J

Others that show up at this meeting and that are interested and are paid memebers can also get on the list. I'm sure anyone that joins in the future could also find someone to frag them a piece, I just don't want to turn my little 55 into a frag tank with 20 discs laying around on the sand bed.

Everyone ok with this?

Bout time, I thought you stole everyones money like that rev guy and the snail order...sheesh...

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Yea no kidding.


Give David $35
Order (15 ceriths x 1.20) which equals 18, but his math says you owe him 16.
So then you he says you gave me 32 - 16, so i owe you 16 dollars.

Infact the real math would be

35 - 18 = 17 which means I was shorted a dollar.

I think we need to form an audit team and get david a calculator for xmas.

Only joking i left out paypal fees....

But seriously david you calculated the ceriths at 1.10 not 1.20.. Do i still owe you some money?

I made some mistakes. So everyone please paypal me $35.99 by tonight. Thanks.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Who's actually got the frag mounts? I'd like to have them shipped up here if possible...I've been sick and won't be making it down there any time before the frag swap. Please PM me.