

Reefing newb
Is there anyway to guesstamate the gph of an overflow? I got mine from craiglist and am going to buy an new pump and would like to get one about the same gph. The pump is a mag drive but it doesn't have any markings on it to tell me size.
What size drain does it have?

I know that the size pipe will determine how much will drain, but I am not 100% on the amount.

Also, any pics of the pump? some one might be able to figure out what size it is by the picture.
Pics would help. You can of course oversize the pump but use a valve in the pumps discharge to keep it within your overflows abilities as well.



The pipe from overflow to sump is 1 pvc, so the gray flex tube maybe 1 1/4
That is a small overflow but just off top of my head I would guess it could handle 600ish gph flow whcih isn't to bad. You would need roughly a 700gph pump for it. Thats just a guess now so don't hold me to it :)
do you know what kind and size pump that is--I got it with overflow, so I don't have any info. I was going to use my uv as the return line is this a bad idea. It is a 25w Lifegard Aquatics AquaStep Pro Ultraviolet Sterilizer which is rated for a750 max gph