I have a coupla SPS pieces, but to have a whole tank worth, although beautiful to be sure- seems like a whole lot more work than I want to do these days! Hats off!
Once the tank is established ( close to a year or so ) SPS really arent that bad to keep in the tank.. I have a mainly SPS dominated tank now and do very little other then waterchanges and testing and a little dosing to help growth to keep them going... The LPS seem to be more work then the SPS..
Well, that is interesting to hear. The SPS people that I know are always trying to make their tanks perfectly crystal clear ( not that it is a horrible thing mind you ) and adding everything under the sun, equipment use out the nose-holes, topper-offers and Calcium Reactors and Auto Dosers, Mega skimmers, alarm systems and such. It is off-putting to somebody that has enjoyed incredible success for decades with only water changes, next to no additives, hand added Calcium, an ancient Penguin Filter and a lot of paying attention.
I am sure as heck not saying that they are wrong- they have their successes too- and some drop dead gorgeous tanks to boot! It's just not something I have the inclination for I guess. I honestly enjoy my more natural tanks. Every time I have ever gone in the Atlantic, I have never seen crystal clear waters I promise you. My critters thrive and make babies all of the time. I have not suffered a massive crash for a coupla decades ( and that was because a MASSIVE Carpet 'Nem croaked ) and have learned to be enthralled by softies and inverts and some LPS thrown in the mix. I don't find the LPS to be hard to keep so far- so maybe I should try giving more SPS than Monti's and such- a good, hard look. Thanks for telling me that! There are a few Acros that I have coveted along the way.