Gimpy Coral Beauty

you mean corals? if so, i dont plan on it for a while since i wont have the money for the lights. It'll be fish only for a while. I'm mainly looking for a hardy fish thats active and colorful, and since all those 3 are active and colorful, i guess which one is hardier?
Just some input on the previous coral beauty, .036 is not that high. That's standard for lots of inverts like urchins. They need high salinity so I doubt it was salinity. As everyone said probably was jacked up before the move. I would go with the coral beauty out of all 3 I'm sure you will get the itch and upgrade lights later.
well it was between .036 and .038 and i dont think thats what did it, i think it was the quick drop in salinity because i added RO water pretty quick... now my salinity is .024. I think ill go with the coral beauty but when i was looking at it at the store i saw 2 white spots close to one of it's gills but the owner said they run copper in their tanks which he said gets rid of them. Now, they also have corals and inverts in their store and im pretty sure that its one big system they have in their store and not two different ones so their inverts and corasl would be dead if they were running copper... right?
well im trying it again... i went back to the LFS and Mark, the owner, felt bad when i told him what all happened, and we had talked about how the first coral beauty was a little beat up, so i bought another coral beauty (he is in flawless condition) and as compensation he gave a six line wrasse because he got way more of them in than he ordered so i took it. (hopefully not a mistake)

i acclimated both of them for about an hour and set them loose. The lights have been off all day, i put some food in there with some garlic, couldnt tell if they were eating but i did see the six line pick at the rocks a bit. Hopefully this time ill have better luck. I brought down my salinity to .026 now so that shouldnt be a problem anymore.
they also had some tomato clowns in that look really cool... i know they are pretty aggressive but you think i could keep one in the tank? I also like the jawfish but ive never seen them in at our LFS. What other fish would you recomend to go in with those two? its a 40gal FOWLR tank.
jawfish need a minimum of 4-5 inch sandbed so unless you have that i would not get a jawfish. They also usually need ot be target fed if you are keeping them with more competitive eaters. just something to be aware of
yeah they are TINY and again never seen them at the LFS, ive thought about trying to order one of those in but never got around to it. What about like a yellow watchman goby? do those need a deep and bed also?
ok, i like those also so i may be looking into one of those...

Well as far as thetank goes, its day #2 and both of the fish seem to be going strong. This new coral beauty is definitely more skittish that the first, he's only come out of his cave a couple of times but never goes far. The six line is definitely setted in, hes picking at rocks and exporing away. Hopefully the coral beauty will soon feel safe enough to come out and use the whole tank and not just 10% of it. Ill try to get some pics today.

Edit: Pic of tank, the bigger cave on the right is the home of the coral beauty
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