Gimpy Coral Beauty

To adjust my salinity i do about a gallon of RO an hour until it's where I want it. Don't know if thats even the right thing to do but it's been working for me. The way I look at it, any way I can relieve stress on the fish I'll do it. Even if it's relatively minor it's still one less thing to stress the fish out. Good luck.
Your fish is probably just stressing from the new enviroment.Thats fairly normal.
The best way I've found to reduce salinity.Is right before I top off for evaporation,I'll take another gallon of water out of the tank.Then go ahead and top off with the addition of the extra gallon you just removed.If the salinity needs to come down some more,then I'll repeat the process the next day.
If you had dropped the salinity to quick,it would have affected your other livestock too.Especially your inverts.
I'd about bet the fish was already sick and the stress from the move is what got him.JMO.
looked for the shrimp and found them hanging out up side down on the rocks eating away so they are doing fine too... what other things can cause fish to breathe really quickly? Im trying to make sure i solve this problem before i look into getting another fish.
it could have just been stress from the move that it couldnt over come

Thats what I'm guessing too.
Some times a fish just cant handle the move from the store to your tank.Maybe it was already getting sick and the stress of the move done it in.No way to really know for sure.
another thing i just though of is that i use Windex to clean my tank on the outide. Is windex toxic? Like if some got into the tank could it be the reason the fish is dead?? But then again shrimp and CUC are still alive...
well i went to the LFS again today and they got in another great looking coral beauty which i put on hold untill sunday. Also, they have a bicolor and a pygmy flameback angel, anyone have any imput on the other two? How hardy are they and how difficult to keep. I really like the flameback but its $50 and i really cant afford to spend that if its really difficult to keep.