future fish


Reefing newb
I've been looking for something to go with the 2 clown fish that I will eventually get. (after I know the damsels are and tank are doing fine, and after I catch said damsels :mrgreen:)
I want something blue, mainly because of Nemo my daughter wants a Dory more than Nemo. I know I can't have Dory due to a small tank. My daughter would be happy with a substitute as long as it's blue. Thankfully she's pretty easy going about it. I found this Pygmy Angel. Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish were it says might nip at LPS. Do you think it "probably" leave other coral types alone? I'm thinking I might just go with mushrooms to start with, but not until after I have the fish. Would it get along with the clowns? (I have a book ordered)
As with any angel,you have a 50/50 chance as to weather or not it'll nip your corals.Softies,LPS,or SPS,it wont matter.Its an angel fish.
Maybe we'll just have to do without a "blue fish" I'll have to think about that. I couldn't really find any others. I'll wait until I get my book, I won't be getting anything before than anyway.
I would avoid the cherub angelfish, as they do tend to nip corals to death. A good choice for blue fish for your tank is the yellow-bellied or yellow tail damselfish. they are no where near as aggressive as other damsels and I have kept them peacefully with ocellaris clowns. Good luck. A neon goby is another blue fish that would fit in your tank, but might get in a power-struggle with your clowns

I also agree that a yellow tailed damsel would be a good choice, they are one of the less aggressive damsels. Scissortail dartfish are blue/gray, I have two of those in my tank.
If you go with the damsel,Keep in mind that it IS a damsel and will have a 50/50 shot at being aggressive.
I had a yellowtail that killed every fish I put in the tank with em.
I saw a cherub angel in the FS yesterday. I really liked it and might go with it and rethink corals for now. I won't be buying it from them though. It was twice as much as it is on liveaquaria.
Keep in mind the shipping for ordering livestock online is usually astronomical, so it usually doesn't end up being cheaper than the LFS unless you order a bunch of animals at the same time.
Biff has the right idea about shipping being abusive. I am a fan of supporting my local fish store when I buy livestock. It may be a touch more expensive, but I like the people I work with and they are cool to me. Equipment is a different story, that is fine on-line.

I don't like getting livestock or corals online due to the fact that I cannot see what I am getting. I know that some places have good return policies, but, for me, it is a HUGE pain in the ass and my time is just to short, I cannot fart around with the risk. Good luck with your fish hunting. If you are looking for cool angelfish for FOLWR tanks, go with a lemonpeel. they are brilliantly colored but NOT SAFE with corals at all

This store was like $40-$50 more than the on-line store. Until my LFS store gets a handle on their supplier I won't get fish from them. That leaves me with pet-co for cheaper prices. Mine is a very nice store but we'll have to see.
I've ordered fish and all the ones I've gotten survived. The only reason I went that route is because all the LFS fish I bought died and have no guarantee. So in the long run it saved me money. I haven't had a fish die since I've gone that route.
Shipping livestock will usually cost you 30 to 35 bucks.I just cant see paying that much more for one fish.It'd be a different story if I was buying a bunch of corals or something.Plus I had rather see the fish I'm thinking about swim before I lay my money down.
Come on up.
Both the stores I posted are great.I wont say the prices are that great,but all the livestock is good and healthy.You'll get what your paying for at either one.