funny coraline?


Reefing newb
Hello--I have this in my tank--it def is NOT a shroom--it is florescent under blue light(bright orange--) under white light it is redish purple--looks like coraline under white lite---any ideas


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I had this a while ago too, it eventually went away. It looked velvetly purple under daylights. But a bright neon orange under the blues.
well here goes--my good camera will not catch the glow--have to use my iphone--best i can do


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Please dont try and catch the glow, just take a picture of thing under normal lighting so I can actually see what you want identified
Well, when in doubt, pull it out


I agree with that one I've pulled out many questionable life forms from my tank mostly unwanted gorilla crabs and little red crabs with vary pointy claws that hitched a ride on my live rock.

so yeah when in when in doubt pull it out.