?frustration: A rant


Seahorse Whisperer
So I go to my LFS to get water today. I also decided that since my tank is tall I needed a couple of little water mover thingys. I get two of them, one small and one larger, and my water. I come home, planning on spending about half an hour on getting my water mover thingys in. So, I'm putting one near my new leather finger coral, the little one, the big one I'm trying to point across the back of the rock pile. So that's when the first rock cave-in happened. I dig my soft corals out and re stack. My husband decides the tank is leaning backwards a little and in the process of shimming it, the second rock cave-in occurs. I decide that since there is crap all over my tank I may as well sprinkle a bit of white sand on top of the brown crap. I sprinkle, and get my heads placed, my HOB filter dies, I need to fix it because that's my only real filterer, spend forever fixing that, re-pile my rocks, they cave in again.......... This all started at 11:30. It's 4:00 now and I just got everything set up and working again. Now everything is stable, level and my tank is full of clouds and mud. To top it off, my dogs went to the groomer to get their undercoat stripped (twice a year) and she shaves them. shaves my blue ribbon, champion Australian Shepherds. They look like lopsided pit-bulls. Besides, IT"S WINTER.......... hello???????????????? WINTER! They are going to freeze their butts off! I don't usually drink but I might be up for a glass of wine and a quiet fire tonight. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Thankfully, nothing horrible happened and everyone is ok. Just a really irritating day!

Thanks for letting me rant.
Wow Catherine, sorry to hear about your crappy day! I think we've all had one of those days with our tanks, doing something simple and creating a small disaster. Your cloudiness will go away and everything should be happy. I do feel bad for your dogs though.
The dogs look really stupid. My daughter is knitting a sweater for them. Who shaves their dogs in winter??????? I guess it's easy to mix up "remove their undercoat" with "shave the dogs". (sarcastic sigh) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
How about some pics of the bald dogs?:D

Just wait untill you decide you want to move just that one little rock.Thats how it always starts.2 weeks later,your still trying to make it look right again.
And you thought this was supposed to be a relaxing hobby:mrgreen:
Here's the Before: Martha (Blue Merle on the right) and Riley (Red Tri on the left)


My favorite shot of Martha: Her eye really does that:


I'll post the After shots tomorrow, they are in their crates for the night.
I hope you gave the groomer a piece of your mind. :chair:

I was kind of shocked and asked her why she shaved my dogs! She said that's what she heard when I said remove the undercoat. (even though we don't shave our dogs and we have had their undercoats stripped twice a year for the past 3 years.) She apologized and didn't charge me. I was angry but yelling really wasn't going to achieve anything, I mean, the dogs were already shaved. We don't show them anymore so it's not that big of deal except, well they look really stupid and it's cold outside. I'll post pics tomorrow.
I was angry but yelling really wasn't going to achieve anything, I mean, the dogs were already shaved.

I'm glad you didn't yell...I agree it wouldn't have done any good. I find the best thing you can do to people who screw up like that is be super super super nice and forgiving about it...I've gotten loads of extra compensation when customer service screws stuff up like that cuz they feel even worse cuz I'm being so nice about it :) I know this works cuz when I used to deal with irate customers, I tended to give more attention to the customers who were the most understanding.... :bowdown:
Got some of your bad luck! Today while cleaning my tank, I had a minor collapse just where my clownfish was hiding! Thankfully I had no casualties either. I spent about half an hour after that arranging the rock into as stable a position as I could. Quite the scare though, and it kicked up a lot of floaties.
ohhh, nooo, so sory to hear about your minor collapse! Glad your fishes were ok! The cloudiness dies down after a bit. My fish actually seemed happier today than usual so maybe the cave in did good for them somehow. Good luck!