Frozen food NOT FROZEN!

eww yea that would work.. heheh, i have some friends and thier across the street neighbor apparently makes the best commercially available catfish bait in the world, supposedly, but i know that you can smell it when he's making it for miles around(if the wind is going the right direction)

That's the sign of a damn good catfish want that stuff to smell so bad those suckers can smell it under water 40 feet away...that's when they start comin' to the surface trying to find it. If you've got bait that good, don't need a damn thing but a nicely calloused finger...hold a little bit of that bait rolled up in your index finger and when that catfish grabs ahold of that finger, you extend it out and grab yourself a finger full of catfish gill, and pull that sucker out of the water :bounce:....good times, good times; almost brings a tear to my eye. :lol:
so is that what they are doing when they go noodeling, grabbing the gills from the inside? i allways wondered what it was that they were grabbing...

yea, i saw it on dirty jobs, more then once, and yea, now that same plumber guy is on another show do'n his noodeling thing, that dude has got to be one of the most nationally known plumbers to date.
Kid,I didnt know you was a noodler? :D
Noodlin is a blast.Right up until you stick your hand in a big a$$ mud turtles mouth and pull your hand back minus a couiple of fingers:shock:
We don't get those turtles out here; to be honest we don't get too many catfish stocked lakes out here either, but my buddies and I do go to Lake Isabella for an annual camping/wakeboarding/fishing trip (3 hours north of LA) where they've got some pretty good catfish fishing. My think is to grill up burgers the first night but save a little bit of meat. Leave it out all the next day in the sun and go noodlin' just as its getting wonders ;-) ...and ya, a :pooh: load of fun :lol:...but no, you don't want to smell that meat :faint:
Next time you go,get some chicken livers and let them sit out in the sun all day.:D
Thats what we mainly use out here for channels and blues.Use live bluegill for flat heads.But wouldnt want to noodle flat heads no how.They'd swallow your whole arm and swim off with you hanging on.
Kewl. I just read the thread. Just the other day I left a package of spirulina out for a coule of hours. It was cold but melted, but I refroze. But basically, if you freeze your melted cubes, then when you thaw it out and it STINKS -- like, bad stink (the stuff stinks regardless, but if it's bad, it will stink up the whole kitchen), I wouldn't use it. Not to say it's safe, but at least if you do smell it, you'll know it's just no good.