
Just bought a frogspawn. It has 2 heads for 25 bucks...good price or not?

Where should i put it. High low or medium....and current wise, what a medium flow because thats what i read it needs...maybe im wrong.
Good price.

I'm not sure what lighting you have?Generally mid level under T5 lighting,lower half under MH and top half under PC.Moderate flow is enough to move the polyps but not blast them.I have no better way of describing what moderate flow is suppose to look like.
put it in a low-med flow area if you want the tentacles to fully extend :)

oh and you can spot feed it to improve growth, drag the food through the tentacles so it sticks to them, with powerheads off. Then guard it from being stolen for about 15-30 mins lol.
I hope it likes his new home. Im ready to give love =) Is it sad i care for each and every one of my corals/fish? Should i try not to develope a bond hahaa uhh for real lol