

Reefing newb
I got a Frogspawn 4 days ago and I want to know if you guys think it looks healthy. It's not extending its polyps as much as I was expecting. It looked about the same at the shop but I figured it would come out. Its about half way down and under a 250W MH. It had the same exact light at the shop.


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May just be stressed. How long did your LFS have it before you bought it? Normally if they are dying you'd see some stringy snot looking stuff coming from it. I'd bet they just got it in and placed it under that light, and you did the samething, chances are it was not acostomed to that bright of a light.
Hey Chris. I have the same type of coral and experienced the same thing. Flow and light could be factors, although mine took a few days to get used to the new situation. Mine is in a moderate to low flow area and about the same distance from my 175 w MH. When it gets fully accustomed, those tentacles will get loooong. Good luck!
I agree with the above, It is not opening normally yet, but doesn't look like there is any reason to be alarmed either so just give it time. That's a nice FS, BTW. :)
I too have an issue with my frogspawn not opening all the way. I've had my frogspawn for about 3+ months and its been doing really well. It even grew another mouth on the one head. I got a new T5 light fixture yesterday and now its barely opening. I think it just might be stressed from the new light, but I'm not sure. Any thoughts?
Lol, I remember commenting on your other thread, 234w on a 29 gal??? It's is likely that you have just thrown it into shock by placing it under brighter lights without first acclimating it. You could place a screen over it while it adjusts to the new light, or move it down in the tank temporarily, though with the size of your tank, I don't think it will make much difference. If it were me, I would probably just use half the bulbs at first or even just 2, then add another bulb each week until they are all burning.
Chris, what kind of flow do you have it in? Frogspawns seem to be more sensitive to flow than to light. They really can't take high flow -- it will rip the flesh right off of them. Try putting it in a low flow area if it's not already.
Thanks everyone. I first spotted it about a week before I bought it and it looked about the same as it does now. My flow is low, I pointed my powerheads up after I got a torch two months ago. The torch likes that and has already split and doubled in size. My water parameters are good so I'll just wait and see what happens with this shy little frogspawn,
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