

Reefing newb
ok so i wasnt sure where to post this (prolly not the best to post on a REEF site but i trust you guy s more than anywhere else) anyways i recently came across a 56 column tank which isnt good for the reef id like to do and so im doing a FOWLR any ideas on fish? also its going to have two "sumps" as in two tanks i play with alot, a 30 gal long which im going to do LPS in and a 20 tall for a pair od Occelaris...any ideas as far as fish you dont normally get to play with in a reef tank?
There are tons of fish for FO systems ,i have one with, the exception of mushrooms and a hammer coral,but not a reef at could get a nice dwarf angel....your tank is small and i'm not sure of the dims,so puffers and triggers are out..
not necessarily tall and skinny...just not long like a normal 55...was thinking of just going with smaller fish nothing bigger than 5 inches
it is big but when they get too big i have plans for them...mostly involving my friend and his tanks...long story short im trying to get experienced with other types of fish as a way to work towards a goal
I thought I heard the sirens.:D

[ame=]YouTube - Reefman and Tang Police[/ame]
not necessarily tall and skinny...just not long like a normal 55...was thinking of just going with smaller fish nothing bigger than 5 inches

At the longest point,how long is this tank?

Maybe the others are right,a dedicated seahorse tank or a predator tank,mainly dwarf lionfishes or anglers since neither swim very much.Maybe clowns,chromis,pseudochromis and other small fish will work.
my tank is a 56 gal the size is 30x18x24 its was nice for a small spot in my room and i put a 29 gal sump under it because it was also 30 inch long. only problem is you prolly need a 250 mh pendent light for it for most corals for because its tall for 30 inch long hard to find a light to fit it right. as far as fish i only put ones that were recomended for a 30. i think my biggest is my flame angel.
reeffreak and Pwny thanks for actually answering my question and helping instead of bashing the idea, i have decided smaller fish, and as far as the guy who posted that vid, well congratulations i will no longer be posting in this forum site. better off talking to real people who want to help rather than discourage and put down an idea rather than help it form and change into a workable plan.
Ahh,come on...its all good fun...its how things go around here...PRC is harmless,just give it right back....he likes it
Seriously ,we're just trying to help
We are trying to help you here. We are telling you to get smaller fish for good reason, big fish tend to stress out and die in tanks too small for them. No matter how much love and attention and planning you put into getting a fish, if the tank is too small that fish is going to be unhappy and stressed with 99% of the time will lead to its death. There currently is a guy on here who has a puffer and foxface in a 55, and they both have ich, and im pretty sure he lost both of them. Fish can normally fight off the ich on their own, you usually only see symptoms when they are stressed.
We are only trying to save you from that.

And many many people post on here that they are going to give them away or upgrade their tanks when they get bigger, and we look at that statement with some skepticism because they hardly ever do. Or they do it too late, like the foxface and puffer dude, he has plans to upgrade his tank - in a month, but his fish are too large now and are suffering.

Also im very confused by what you mean you want experience with different fish as a way of working towards a goal?

We dont mean to insult you or make you mad, you came to use for advice and we gave it to you. We gave you some great suggestions, you told us what you were thinking and we told you that probably wouldnt work. And dont feel bad about the video, lots of people get that or the "tang police" (you should search it on this forum, its very common and pretty funny) because lots of people have the exact same idea as you did and we just let them know it isnt a great one.

We will help you set up a great FOWLER tank, go check out those lionfish, that would make a really cool species tank, or those anglers!